Bread & Butter is a research and performance project that seeks to empower independent artists to advocate for the sustainability of our artistic community and create dialogue between those who create art, and those who consume it. The work features the voices of local artists speaking candidly about the idea of artistic wealth, worth and personal experiences as independent artists. Part live performance, part interactive sound installation and part open community forum, this collaborative venture between Chicago Musician, Nicholas Davio and Dance Artist Cristina Tadeo explores artistic labor, worth and the perceived value of art as commodity, and community.
Devised & Directed by: Cristina Tadeo and Nicholas Davio
Performed by: Mags Bouffard, Julie Boruff, Isabelle Collazo, Nicholas Davio, Maria Macsay and Cristina Tadeo
Sound Design & Performance by: Nicholas Davio
Lighting Design by: Rachel Levy
Thank You!
To our incredible
group of 3Arts
supporters and
individual donors....
Aaron Weissman, Adam DeGroot, Amanda Howard, Amy Couey, Andra Velis Simon, Andy Costello, Anne Kasdorf,
Artemis Robison, Brian Selznick, Cara Newman, Carlo Garcia, Carole & Joe Davio, Charles Kouri, Charlie Malave,
Cheryle Stevens, Colleen Halloran, Daniel Durrett, Danni Smith, David Malzahn, Dawn Akelis, Dawnne Toppa, Eric Engelson,
Erika Farkvam, Erin Kilmurray, Esther Grimm, Greer Dworman, Heather Gilbert, Heather White, Hope Goldman, Isabelle Collazo,
Jacqueline Russell, Jane Jerardi, JD Laljani, Jeff Hassan, John Francisco, Jon Satrom,Jonny Stax, Jordan Reinwald,
Julie Ballard, Julie Boruff, Jyl Fehrenkamp, Katherine Garassino, Katy Collins, Kelly Anderson, Kellyn Jackson, Kevin Brown,
Kimberly Kazmerski, Larry Russo, Lili-Anne Brown, Lily Emerson, Linden Klawitter, Maari Suorsa, Marcia Festen, Mark Beasley,
Maryann Oertel, Matt McNabb, M-C Hill, Melissa Ganser, Mike Evans, Patrick Martin, Philip Elson, Rachel Levy, Raquel Monroe,
Rebecca Cacayuran, Robert Ollis, Rosa Tadeo, Rose Parisi, Ryan Tang, Sammy Spriggs, Scott Bradley, Scott Hargis, Sean Graney,
Sixto Franco, Stuart Carden, Sydney Sidwell, Tekki Lomnicki, Thrisa Hodits, Tiffany Lawson, Travis Morse, Victoria Moreira and
Wendy Widom.